Having collaborated with several Basque rock groups and singer-songwriters, in 1990 he created "Les Mecaniciens", with whom he released three LPs. It was around that time that he founded the Emak Bakia literary club together with other writers and musicians. His work as a singer-songwriter dates from 1994. His six records contain both his own songs and others by important Basque authors. He has also published five books for children and two short-story compilations for adults.
Boza barruan (Elkar, 1994)
Kitarra bat nintzen (Elkar, 1996 )
Aise ( Elkar, 1997)
Fiordoan (Esan Ozenki, 1999)
Hain guapa zaude (Metak, 2001)
Enegarren postala (Resistencia, 2003)
Liverpool-Gernika (Hirusta Records, 2004)
Abenduak 29 ( Resistencia, 2005)
Sei lagun, sei sekretu (Igela, 1994)
Bizitza pusketak (Erein, 1996)
Gabon Guanito (Igela,1995)
Laura kanpoan da (Erein, 1999)
Sebas lehiotik begira (Igela, 2001)
Zubi misteriotsuan (2001)
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